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Here you can find the guild's harassment contact person and general information on harassment situations

Harassment contact persons

Here are the CSG harassment contact persons for 2024. You may contact the harassment contact persons at harassment​

Equality Working Group

  • Joonas SorvariYhdenvertaisuus­työryhmän puheenjohtaja

  • Aaro YlimaulaHäirintäyhdys­henkilö

  • Anna PitkäniemiHäirintäyhdys­henkilö

  • Eemeli Oksanen

    Eemeli OksanenHäirintäyhdys­henkilö

  • Filip Eller

    Filip EllerHäirintäyhdys­henkilö

  • Lassi AhoHäirintäyhdys­henkilö

  • Noora Puhakka

    Noora PuhakkaHäirintäyhdys­henkilö

  • Oskari JärvinenHäirintäyhdys­henkilö

  • Suvi Zitting

    Suvi ZittingHäirintäyhdys­henkilö

  • Katriina KallikoskiHäirintäyhdys­henkilö

Ayy:'s harassment contact persons can be contacted through:


AYY:s Harassment Contact Persons

What to do in the event of harassment


The Computer Science Guild does not tolerate harassment in any form. The guild is constantly evolving and its primary mission is to ensure that its members feel safe and welcome at all Guild events, regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, ethnic background or any other characteristic.

Harassment or inappropriate behaviour may take the form of verbal or non-verbal abuse, sexist or racist jokes, unwanted physical contact, intimidation, unwanted contact, exclusion from the community or otherwise making it inappropriately difficult to participate in its activities. The experience of harassment is subjective, i.e. what is offensive and distressing and perceived as harassment varies from person to person, so the most important thing is the individual's own experience of the situation.

The guild board appoints harassment contact persons who can be contacted in cases of harassment. All reported cases will be dealt with on the terms of the person concerned. The guild harassment contact persons are committed to acting in a confidential and respectful manner towards all parties involved in harassment cases.

All discussions with the harassment contact person regarding harassment cases are confidential, and all conversations between the harassment contact person, the person experiencing the harassment or other persons involved in the case remain confidential. In addition, the harassment officer will not share any information or take any action without the consent of the person who has been harassed. The harassment contact persons can only communicate with each other with the consent of the person experiencing harassment. However, harassment contact persons may discuss with each other broader issues related to harm to the guild or guild members, as long as no identifying information is shared.

At all guild events, the responsibility lies with the event organizer, but it is the responsibility of each guild member and event participant to address harassment and provide a safe environment. In the event of harassment, we aim to take deliberate and low-profile action to ensure that harassment cases are dealt with confidentially and, as a matter of principle, only between those involved.

For a guild member in a harassment situation

  • Harassment is not the fault of the person experiencing it and you don't have to be alone with it. It is important that incidents of harassment are brought to the attention of harassment hotlines.
  • If you are the victim of harassment or witness harassment, make it clear to the harasser that you want them to stop.
  • It is always better to intervene than to stand by and watch, even if you are not sure what the right way to intervene is. If you don't want to intervene alone, it's fine to do it with a friend.
  • If you notice harassment at an event, you can contact the event organizer during the event. The organizer will be able to help you sort out the situation.
  • You can always contact the guild's or AYY's harassment contact persons. You can contact the harassment officers even if you are not sure whether the situation you are experiencing is harassment. For further investigation, you should keep, for example, social media conversations related to the incident.
  • If the incident of harassment constitutes a crime, contact the police.
  • If you receive criticism about your own behavior, take it constructively.

How to handle the case and how it will be handled

  • Harassment cases can be reported to any of the guild's harassment contact persons and all reported cases will be dealt with.
  • Harassment cases will not be discussed at board meetings, but will be dealt with by the reported harassment contact. The matter is always confidential and will not be discussed with anyone else without the permission of the person experiencing the harassment.
  • The harassment contact person will continue to investigate the matter and decide on the further handling of the case together with the person who has experienced the harassment and only with his or her consent.

Measures that may be considered include the following, within the limits of the gravity of the situation:

  • Informing the suspected harasser that his/​her actions are perceived to be harassing. An effort will be made to consult all parties to the situation in an equitable manner and any discussions that take place will remain between the harassment contact person and the parties concerned.
  • A contacted guild harassment contact person may also recommend and refer the harassing person to, for example, AYY harassment contact persons, FSHS professionals or, if necessary, the authorities. However, the decision to approach the above-mentioned parties rests with the victim of harassment.
  • If the harassment involves University staff, the situation will be investigated by the University's harassment contact persons. The guild's harassment contact persons can assist in this process if the person concerned so wishes.

Guidance for event organizers

Harassment in any form is not tolerated at guild events and the guild is committed to the AYY's Safer Space Policy.

The aim is for all participants to feel that the organizer is trustworthy and approachable. The organizers are responsible for any incidents of harassment at events, and any contact should always be taken seriously.

If incidents of harassment occur during an event, the most important thing is to put an end to the harassing behaviour. The organiser's representative has the right and the duty to inform the harasser that the behaviour will not be tolerated at the event. When a harassment incident occurs during an event, the first thing to do is to tell the harasser clearly and calmly that his or her behaviour is harassing. It is important to listen fairly to all parties involved in the situation during and after the event.

If the harassment has been caused by someone(s) under the influence of alcohol, it is important to revisit the issue after the incident. The guild's or AYY's harassment contact persons can always be used to help resolve the situation, if the person concerned so wishes or if the situation so requires. The organizer of the event also has the right to contact the harassment contact person if the incident is still weighing on his or her mind.

As an event organizer, you have the right to:

  • To inform the person clearly and calmly that their behavior is inappropriate and will not be tolerated at guild events
  • Ask the person to stop the disruptive behavior immediately
  • To ask the disruptive person to leave

Computer Science Guild Code of Conduct

AYY:s Safer Space Policy

AYY's Harassment Contact Persons

Aalto Support in cases of harassment