Tietokilta Fuksi Guide 2024
If you have questions about studying here and can't find the answers on this page, contact the International Captain Kirill through email: international@tietokilta.fi or in Telegram: @KVTiK. You can also contact the Bachelors captains Noora and Filip: fuksikapteeni@tietokilta.fi or in telegram @TiKFuksikapteenit.
A first-year university student in Finland is called a fuksi, a term used for somebody who just begins their university life and joins its community. Every student you will meet here in Aalto was once a fuksi themselves, so fuksis are always met with love and care by the older members of the community.
Even if your student life already began elsewhere, it can be quite different to what we have here, so take your chance to have new experiences, and, of course, don't forget aobut the studies! Remember, there are always people who went on the same journey as the one you're about to begin, so don't be afraid to ask help from other guild members.
Fuksi year culminates in a possible wappu, which may get organised by the decision of Fuksi Major and International DIrector in the spring. In case it is organised, worthy fuksis who proved their will to become Teekkaris get to put their teekkari caps for the first time.
Teekkari is a term used for the university students in the field of technology. There is a lot of culture and traditions associated with Teekkarius, so make the most of your stay here and meet the teekkari culture in its many forms.
Teekkarius, among other things, is about having fun, community and relaxed attitude. You will find Otaniemi's capmus area swarming with life and different events: there is partying, singing, activities, music and of course just hanging out with your friends.
Tietokilta organises events which will help you discover the teekkari culture and meet other students, who may become your friends you have connections with long after you left Aalto.
Fuksi points
Fuksi points are a way to motivate the new students participate in the teekkari culture, and by accumulating them the fuksi showhs their will and worth to become a teekkari and obtain the teekkari cap. The end goal is not the points in themselves, but the experiences you got, memories and friends you made along the way. The points are given for a variety of activities, so you can experience different sides of the student life and find out what do you like most.
Encountering such a rich and active culture can be quite scary, but do not worry: there are many older students who would love to help you on your way. Expect to be contacted by your ISOs (guild tutors) who would be helping you in your journey. You have a wonderful year ahead of yourself, hope it will be full of fun and memories!
See you in the autumn!
Kirill Eliutin
International Captain '24