Patch sewing
Vuosi on jo vaihtunut đ, mutta tarve merkkien ompelulle ei ole kadonnut mihinkÀÀn! TĂ€mĂ€n takia Marttakerho jĂ€rjestÀÀkin taas ompeluillan, joten saavu kylĂ€n olohuoneelle 17.1. ompelemaan merkkejĂ€ hyvĂ€n seuran kanssa. Nyt on aika asettaa hyvĂ€ tahti loppuvuodelle!
Paikalla on marttoja auttamassa ompelussa, joten ei hĂ€tÀÀ, jos taidot ovat hieman ruosteessa! Tarjolla on lisĂ€ksi pientĂ€ naposteltavaa ja jonkin verran ompelutarvikkeita lainaksi, mutta tuothan omasi, mikĂ€li sinulta sellaiset löytyy! đżđ„€
Mukaan saa tulla ja lÀhteÀ omaan tahtiin ilman ilmoittautumista!
MITĂ? Haalarimerkkiompelua!
MISS� KylÀn olohuone (JMT 5A)
MILLOIN? Pe 17.1. klo 17-22
MIKSI? Haalarit kaipaavat lisÀÀ merkkejÀ!
KysyttÀvÀÀ? Ota yhteyttÀ @scalafx tai roy.langsjo [at]
The year may have changed đ, but the need for sewing patches hasnât gone anywhere! Which is why the Grandma club is organizing a patch sewing night. Come join us in the village living room on 17.1. to sew patches with good company. Itâs time to set a good pace for the rest of the year!
The Grandmas will be there to help with the sewing, so no worries if your sewing skills are a bit rusty! There will also be small snacks and some sewing equipment to borrow, but please bring your own equipment if you can! đżđ„€
You can join and leave at your own pace, no signup needed!
WHAT? Patch sewing!
WHERE? VIllage Living Room (JMT 5A)
WHEN? Fri 17.1. at 17-22
WHY? Because overalls need more patches!
Questions? Contact @scalafx or roy.langsjo [at]