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Patch sewing

Category: MarttakerhoLocation: OssinkulmaStarts: Ends:

Otacruise is approaching (and it’s also almost Christmas), and you haven’t sewn as many patches as you were planning? 😱 No worries, the Grandma Club organizes the last patch sewing event of this autumn on Tuesday 19.11. at Ossinkulma. 🧵

The Grandmas will be there to help with the sewing, so no worries if your sewing skills are a bit rusty! There will also be small snacks and some sewing equipment to borrow, but please bring your own equipment if you can! 🍿🥤

You can join and leave at your own pace, no signup needed!

WHAT? Patch sewing!
WHERE? Ossinkulma (Otakaari 18)
WHEN? Tue 19.11. at 18.30-22
WHY? Because overalls need more patches!

Questions? Contact @poutiiro or iiro.poutiainen [at]

Sign up

Event does not have sign ups