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Code of Conduct

You can read the Guild's Code of Conduct here. By joining the guild, you promise to adhere to these principles. This document is an unofficial translation of the finnish Eettinen Ohjesääntö.

Approved at the Tietokilta ry election meeting 18.10.2023

This document contains the Code of Ethics governing the activities of Tietokilta ry (hereinafter referred to as the Guild). This Code of Ethics applies to every person working in the Guild community. All persons participating in Guild events are considered part of the Guild community. The document is divided into three chapters, the first of which defines the Guild's Code of Ethics. The second defines the role of the Harassment Officer and the third defines the procedural process in the event of a breach of the Guild's Code of Ethics.

Chapter 1: Guild Code of Ethics

1 § Individuality

In the activities of the Guild, everyone has the right to be themselves and to be treated equally regardless of any personal characteristic such as gender, gender identity, origin, age, language, wealth, beliefs or sexual orientation.

2 § Harassment

No racist, sexist, abusive, violent or threatening behaviour of any kind and no harassment, discrimination or bullying will be tolerated in the Guild. Therefore, the Guild requests that anyone observing such conduct report the matter to the Harassment Officer so that it can be dealt with under Chapter Three.

3 § Behavior and Representation

Persons participating in Guild activities agree to respect others in accordance with the principles of equality, to act honestly and ethically, to promote a free and open exchange of ideas and mutual trust, and to actively look after their own safety and well-being and that of others.

If it becomes apparent that a person is acting in clear violation of the ethical principles of the Guild, within or outside the Guild, Chapter Three may apply.

§ 4 Guild property

The Guild respects the right to property. Property under the control of the Guild or on loan to the Guild shall not be intentionally or negligently damaged, destroyed or stolen. Guild members must take care of the Guild room: they must clean up after themselves and take care of their own and common belongings.

5 § Security and privacy

The Guild respects the right to privacy and data security. Users or processors of personal or sensitive data must comply with security requirements, regardless of the format, storage methods or location of the data.

6§ Conflicts of interest

Working in a guild may expose a person to conflicts of interest. If a potential conflict of interest arises, the matter should be raised in the first instance with the Guild Board. Alternatively, the matter can be cleared with the Guild's Operations Auditors.

Chapter 2: Harassment Liaison Officers

7 § Election

The Guild's harassment contact person(s) shall be elected from the Guild's membership in a manner determined by the Guild Assembly.

8 § Duties and responsibilities of the harassment contact people

It is the duty of the contact person to be the first contact for those involved in guild activities in the event of a possible harassment incident. He/​she must be prepared to discuss the case with the parties involved and to take the matter forward and, if possible, to support the parties involved in dealing with the case. The harassment contact person is also responsible for participating in the process of resolving a violation of the Guild's bylaws. The harassment contact person also has the right to withdraw from the situation if he/​she deems it necessary. The role of the Harassment contact person is confidential and the resolution of a harassment situation is always a confidential process. The harassment contact person is bound by confidentiality in relation to harassment cases and may not discuss them with anyone else without the permission of the person experiencing the harassment.

9 § Forwarding

After a harassment incident, the harassment contact person shall take the matter forward, but with the consent of the victim. Forwarding the case may mean, for example:

  • Bringing the matter to the attention of the Guild's Board of Trustees for consideration of a violation of the Bylaws.
  • Bringing the matter to the attention of the Aalto University or the persons responsible for equality in the Aalto University Student Union.
  • Referring the complainant to the authorities or care resources.

Chapter 3: Procedure for action in the event of a breach of the Statute

10 § Step-by-step procedure

The Guild will use a step-by-step procedure in the event of a violation of the Guild's bylaws. The step-by-step model has five steps, but the violation and the situation at hand determine which step is taken. In the case of repeated violations, a higher step may be used for the same violation. If the violation requires government action, the affected party must be notified of the decision. List of steps:

  1. Discussions under the guidance of the harassment officer
  2. A written warning
  3. Suspension from guild duties
  4. Prohibition to participate in guild activities
  5. Expulsion from the guild

11 § Actions of the harassment contact people

The primary responsibility of the harassment contact person is to receive reports of harassment, support the victim and act as a contact person in these cases. Only the first step of the step-by-step approach is the responsibility of the harassment contact person, after which the matter is referred to the Board, but only if the victim so wishes.

Harassment cases can be reported to any of the guild's harassment contact person and all reported cases will be dealt with.

The Harassment contact person may consider measures such as the following, within the limits of the seriousness of the situation:

  • Informing the suspected harasser that his/​her actions are perceived as harassing. All parties to the situation will be consulted fairly and any discussion will remain between the harassment officer and the parties concerned.
  • A contacted guild harassment contact person may also recommend and direct the person experiencing harassment to contact, for example, the AYY Equality Officers, health professionals or, if necessary, the police. However, the decision to approach the above-mentioned parties rests with the victim of harassment.
  • If the harassment involves University staff, the situation will be investigated by the University's harassment officers. The Guild's harassment liaison officers can assist in this process if the person concerned so wishes.
  • If the situation so requires, and with the consent of the person experiencing harassment, the case may be referred to the Board.

12 § Board actions

The Board will only be informed of cases of harassment if they require further action. The Board shall decide on further action on a case-by-case basis. If a Board member is involved, he/​she must recuse him/​herself from further action. Follow-up measures include:

  1. Written warning
  2. Suspension from Guild duties
  3. Prohibition to participate in guild activities
  4. Expulsion from the guild

13 § Written warning

The Board may issue a written warning to a person suspected of harassment. This warning will also be stored in a separate guild archive, to which only the harassment contact persons and the board have access. The warning shall state in writing that information about the warning will be distributed to those responsible for the event, if necessary, during the organisation of the event. The warning shall be issued for a limited period, but not exceeding 5 years. The warning shall be destroyed when it expires.

14 § Dismissal from the Guild

The Board of Directors may propose to the Guild Assembly that a suspect be removed from his or her responsibilities within the Guild if he or she is currently acting in a position decided by the Guild Assembly. The suspect may be removed from other positions of responsibility by a decision of the Board. The person dismissed shall also be given a written warning in accordance with Article 13 of the Code of Ethics.

15 § Prohibition to participate in the activities of the Guild

The Board may ban a person suspected of harassment from attending all Guild events other than Guild meetings for a period of up to six months. If Guild activities are carried out in cooperation with another body, this body must be informed that the person who has received this punishment may not participate in the activities. The person who has been banned from participation will also be given a written warning in accordance with Article 13 of the Code of Ethics. The ban may be lifted by the Guild Board by a ¾ majority. If a member of the Board is involved, he/​she must recuse him/​herself from the discussion of the revocation.

16 § Expulsion from the Guild

The Guild Board may expel a person who has committed a very serious offence from the Guild in accordance with Article 9 of the Guild Rules. However, the offender must be given the opportunity to explain his/​her actions. In the event of harassment, an attempt will always be made to settle the matter first between the parties involved, but if the harassment is repeated, the persons who have caused the harassment will not be welcome in the Guild or at its events. Expulsion from the Guild is a very serious action, decided by the Board on the basis of the Guild rules.

17 § Internal Appeal

Appeals may be made to the Guild Assembly against the measures provided for in this Statute in the manner prescribed by the Guild Rules. The Guild Assembly may amend the decision of the Board. In the event of a tie in the votes cast for expulsion, suspension, suspension from Guild duties or a warning, the decision shall be the less stringent alternative.

18 § Decisions on unspecified matters

Matters not expressly provided for in the Statutes shall be decided by the Guild Council.

19 § Amendment of the Statutes

The Guild Assembly shall decide on any amendment of the Statutes.